Tuesday, 2nd June 2020

Check yesterday’s work here: TJA7-0106CHECK

ENG7: Feelings and Emotions – Čustva in občutki

How do you feel today? Happy, sad, bored, tired?

Normal school starts tomorrow… Excited? Nervous? Frightened?


You will learn about feelings today.

Write a title in your notebook FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS – ČUSTVA IN OBČUTKI.

Book 133/3a: Copy and translate all the words.

Workbook 142/26: Do the exercise.

Enjoy the rest of the day and see you tomorrow!






Monday, 1st June 2020

ENG7: Sulky Jack

Open your notebook and write down the title SULKY JACK. Copy the following words and translate them:

-to sulk


-to pearce

-to annoy

-to defend

Now open your book on page 132. Listen and read the e-mail. The recording is here:

Copy the questions about Jack and answer them in your notebook:

1) Where is Jack?

2) What is Jack doing?

3) Why is Jack grounded?

4) Where would he like to go tomorrow?

5) Where is the new pop group from?

6) What does he have to figure out?

7) What annoys Jack?

8) When does his father drive Jack mad?

9) What will happen when Jack grows up?

10) What will he be, when he grows up?

11) Why does he want to become a politician?






Friday, 29th May 2020

ENG7: Weather Forecast for Slovenia


Workbook 158/IV The weather:

Do the exercise in your notebook.

Before you begin, study the chart – it will help you form the sentences better!

Don’t forget to draw the symbols in the map of Slovenia before you start writing!

You have to write about the weather and the temperatures!

Have a great weekend, see you on Wednesday!





Wednesday, 27th May 2020

ENG7: Weather Forecast for the British Isles

 Open your notebook and copy the following explanation:

Kadar govorimo o vremenu, uporabljamo sledeče osnovne povedi:

Ko sprašujemo o vremenu: What will the weather be like in Slovenia tomorrow?

Ko odgovorimo, začnemo z IT:

It will be sunny. (Sončno bo.)

It will be rainy. (Deževno bo.)

It will rain. (Deževalo bo.)

Včasih moramo odgovoriti z THERE:

There will be some sunshine. (Nekaj sonca bo.)

There will be some rain. (Nekaj dežja bo.)

Ko govorimo o temperaturah:

The maximum temperature will be twenty DEGREES CELSIUS. (Najvišja temperatura bo 20 stopinj celzija.)

Book 128/3a: Read and listen to the weather forecast for the British Isles. The recording is here:

Book 129/3b: Copy the questions in your notebook and answer them. Write about the weather and the temperatures.

Good luck!






Tuesday, 26th May 2020

Check yesterday’s work here: TJA7-2505CHECK

ENG7: Weather Forecast – vremenska napoved

Will Future is also used to tell what the weather will be like.

Book 128/1: Answer the questions in your notebook (write the title THE WEATHER FORECAST – VREMENSKA NAPOVED).

Book 128/2: Draw the weather symbols in your notebook. Write the correct words under each picture. Learn the words.

Workbook 141/24: Do the exercises. This way you will learn the words faster.





Monday, 25th May 2020

Check Friday’s work here: TJA7-2205CHECK

ENG7: Exercises (Will Future)

Prihodnjik z will (Will Future) uporabljamo tudi za hipne odločitve – ko se nekaj odločimo v trenutku govorjenja (in prej o tem nismo razmišljali oz. tega nismo načrtovali).


A: Oh, it’s so hot in this classroom.

B: Don’t worry. I’ll open the window.


Workbook 139/21a, b: Do the exercises.

Book 127/2: Copy the dialogues in your notebook and complete them.

All the best!





Friday, 22nd May 2020

Please check the listening exercise here: TJA7-2005CHECK

ENG7: Modals in the future – modalni glagoli v prihodnosti

Danes si bova pogledala modalna glagola CAN in HAVE TO (MUST) v prihodnosti.

V zvezek si prepiši spodnjo tabelo in primere povedi:



CAN  – znam, zmorem, lahko WILL BE ABLE TO – bom znal, bom lahko
CAN’T – ne znam, ne morem WON’T BE ABLE TO – ne bom znal, ne bom mogel
HAVE TO/ MUST – moram WILL HAVE TO – bom moral
DON’T HAVE TO – ni mi treba WON’T HAVE TO – ne bo mi treba


I CAN ride a bike. – Znam voziti kolo.

When I’m 18, I WILL BE ABLE TO drive a car. – Ko bom star 18 let, bom lahko vozil avto.

I HAVE TO go to school. – Moram hoditi v šolo.

When I’m 30, I WON’T HAVE TO go to school. – Ko bom star 30 let, mi ne bo treba hoditi v šolo.


Današnjo snov utrjuj v delovnem zvezku 137/15 in 18.

Have a nice weekend!





Wednesday, 20th May 2020

Check yesterday’s work here (see what the pictures were showing): TJA7-1905CHECK

ENG7: Listening exercise (Life in the Future)

Book 123/4a: Copy the chart in your notebook. Make sure you leave enough empty space for your notes.

Now listen to three teenagers talking about the future. Note down what they think about different topics.  Listen at least twice. The recording is here:






Tuesday, 19th May 2020

Check yesterday’s work here: TJA7-1805CHECK

ENG7: Predictions

PREDICTION = a statement about what you think will happen in the future

Book 122/3b: Predictions

Make a chart in your notebook (the title is PREDICTIONS). It should look like this:

I think this will happen… I don’t think this will happen…

Look at the book and read all the predictions. For each section (LIFE IN SPACE, MEDICINE & GENETIC ENGINEERING, POLITICS…) choose one prediction that is most likely to become true and one that is the least likely to become true. Write them down in your chart. (Pri vsakem podnaslovu izberi eno napoved, za katero misliš, da se bo zelo verjetno uresničila in eno, za katero meniš, da se ne bo uresničila. Napiši jih v razpredelnico.)

Now look at the pictures in the book. Each picture is showing one prediction under each section. Find the statements that the pictures are showing. (For example: The 1st picture is for the section LIFE IN SPACE and it shows the statement PEOPLE WILL GO FOR HOLIDAYS TO OTHER PLANETS). (Pod vsakim podnaslovom je ena napoved prikazana tudi s sliko ob strani. Slike so po vrsti, tako kot so napisani podnaslovi. Za vsako sliko poišči ustrezno napoved.)





Monday, 18th May 2020

ENG7: Will Future – utrjevanje

Listen to this joke about Will Future. What did a child say? What should a child say?

 Workbook 132/6-10: Do the exercises.





Friday, 15th May 2020

Check Wednesday’s work here: TJA7-1305CHECK

ENG7: Will Future – Prihodnjik z WILL

I will be using Slovene today, because we will be talking about a new tense.

V letošnjem šolskem letu si spoznal 2 nova časa: GOING TO in PAST SIMPLE.

GOING TO uporabljamo za načrte, ki jih imamo v prihodnosti. Angleščina pa pozna še en čas, ki ga uporabljamo v prihodnosti. Imenuje se WILL FUTURE.

Tema 5. enote je življenje v prihodnosti. Slišal si že otroke, ki so se pogovarjali, kako naj bi izgledalo življenje v prihodnosti. Uporabljali so WILL FUTURE. Poglejva si nekaj primerov:

Parents will not be so strict. = Starši ne bodo tako strogi.

All body parts will be replaceable. = Vsi deli telesa bodo zamenljivi (Lahko bomo zamenjali vse dele telesa).

A computer will function like a human brain. = Računalnik bo deloval kot človeški možgani.

Največja razlika pri obeh časih v prihodnosti je, da GOING TO uporabljamo za načrte in izražanje tistega, kar se bo zelo verjetno zgodilo. WILL FUTURE pa uporabljamo za trenutne odločitve, ki jih nismo načrtovali.


A husband is planning to go shopping.

Wife: We are out of sugar. (Zmanjkalo nam je sladkorja.)


Husband: I know. I’m going to buy some. (Že načrtuje, da ga bo kupil, verjetno ga je že napisal na nakupovalni seznam.)


Husband: Really?! OK, I will buy some. (Ni ga imel namena kupiti, vendar se je v tem trenutku odločil, da ga bo kupil = hipna odločitev, ki ni bila prej načrtovana.)

Sedaj pa odpri zvezek in napiši naslov WILL FUTURE – Prihodnjik z will.

Teorijo prepiši kar iz učbenika (stran 131/GRAMMAR TIME OUT).

Za utrjevanje naredi nekaj vaj:

Trdilne povedi:

Nikalne povedi (WILL NOT = WON’T):

Vprašalne povedi:

Trdilne in vprašalne povedi:





Wednesday, 13th May 2020

Carefully check synonyms and antonyms here: TJA7-0805CHECK

ENG7:  Will life change in the future? – Se bo življenje v prihodnosti spremenilo?

Workbook 130/1: Complete the text. This text is a summary of the dialog in your book on page 120.

Workbook 130/2: Match the synonyms.

Book 121/3a: Look and study the picture. Then answer the questions. Give FULL/LONG answers.


for the better – na bolje

-for the worse – na slabše

Send me a picture of your notebook (Book 121/3a).





Tuesday, 12th May 2020

ENG7: English Speaking Countries – presentation

We have presentations of English speaking countries today (and we had them yesterday).

I wish you all the best!




Friday, 8th May 2020

Check Wednesday’s work here: TJA7-0605CHECK

ENG7: Synonyms and Antonyms – Sopomenke in protipomenke

Open your book on page 120. Listen and follow the text one more time:

Open your notebook and write the title SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS (sopomenke in protipomenke).

Book 121/2b: Copy the chart in your notebook and find the words IN THE TEXT on pg. 120.


SYNONYMS (same as…) ANTONYMS (opposite of…)

-film – movie

-not allowed out – grounded…


-late – early

-stay home – stay out…


Enjoy the wekend!





Wednesday, 6th May 2020

ENG7: Life in the Future

Open your book on page 120 and listen to the dialogue. The recording is here:

You have to listen at least twice!

Open your notebook and write down LIFE IN THE FUTURE: Will it be better or worse?

Now copy and find the translation for these words:

-to be grounded

-to be cross with somebody

-he doesn’t get it


-to trust someone

-to tell the difference between a human and a machine


-it’s the boys’ treat

-to be broke

On page 121 do exercise 2a (use the post-it papers).

Good luck!





Monday, 4th May 2020

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed the holidays. They were too short, weren’t they;)

ENG7: Life in the Future – Življenje v prihodnosti

We are beginning with a new unit. We will be talking about life in the future. What do you think? Will robots take our jobs? Will robots teach at school? Will there be school in the future? Who knows…

Do you have any plans for the future? What will you become when you grow up? A doctor, a teacher, an actor, a plumber, a manager, a workman…

Book 119/ 2nd part of the page: Open your notebook and write the title LIFE IN THE FUTURE – ŽIVLJENJE V PRIHODNOSTI. Copy the jobs that are written under the picture. Translate the jobs. Then listen to the recording and write the names of the people next to a certain job.

Example: 1. a flight attendant – stevardesa – Ms Hall

Here is the recording:

You have to know the jobs. Enjoy!





Friday, 24th April 2020

ENG7: Symbols of Slovenia

Because we live in Slovenia, we should know what some Slovene symbols are called in English.

Book 115/E – match the pictures with the English words (use the post-it papers).

Workbook 125/1a, b – match the Slovene words with the English translations.

Enjoy the holidays, you deserve them!





Wednesday, 22nd April 2020

ENG7: Earth Day – Dan Zemlje

It’s Earth Day today. That is why today’s topic is going to be about nature.

Click on the link below and follow these steps:

1) Click on the PREPARATION button and do the exercise. When you finish, click on the FINISH button to check your work.

2) Watch the animation Planet Earth.

3) Click on the GAME button (under the animation) to play the game. Click FINISH to check your work.


Here’s also a short video where Mother Nature is speaking to us, humans:

Happy Earth Day!





Tuesday, 21st April 2020

ENG7: English speaking countries

Find the information about the country you have chosen for the presentation on the Internet.



Monday, 20th April 2020

ENG7: Instructions for the poster

Pozdravljen. Danes bom uporabljala slovenščino, da boš lažje razumel navodila. Se še spomniš, ko smo se pogovarjali o izdelavi plakata, ki bi ga predstavil v šoli? Ker še vedno ne vemo, ali se bomo letošnje šolsko leto sploh še videli, boš plakat ustvaril doma in ga predstavil prek spleta (če se vrnemo v šolo, pa bo predstavitev tam). Seveda za oceno.

Predstavil boš angleško govorečo državo.

Tukaj so navodila:

Izdelal boš plakat. Plakat boš fotografiral in mi ga poslal. Velik naj bo kot risalni list (lahko tudi 2 risalna lista skupaj). Ker nekateri nimate tiskalnika, slike niso obvezne. Plakat naj vsebuje spodaj navedene podatke, ki morajo biti napisani na roke (kratko in jedrnato ter razumljivo). Zapiši le ključne besede, cele povedi boš uporabil pri ustni predstavitvi:

-zastava (slika ali narisana na roke),

-lokacija (kje se država nahaja),

-velikost države,

-glavno mesto,

-število prebivalcev,


-najvišja gora, reka (tudi višina oz. dolžina)

-znamenitosti (po čem je država znana – stavbe, hrana…)

-pomembne osebe (pisatelji, znanstveniki, izumitelji, igralci, pevci…)

Kaj bom ocenjevala?





-podatki, ki jih mora učenec vključiti.



-Pri govoru se učencu ne zatika,

-prosto govori in ne bere,

-ustrezna slovnica,

-ustrezna izgovorjava,

-jasnost povedanega,

-učenec je sproščen in pozna tematiko o kateri govori,

-morebitne napake pri predstavitvi sproti popravi, saj se zaveda, da jih je naredil.



 Sedaj pa še najpomembnejše – katero državo boš predstavil? Spodaj je seznam držav, med katerimi lahko izbiraš. Izberi si državo in mi sporoči svojo odločitev. Datume bomo določili kasneje (ocenjevanja bodo potekala po prvomajskih počitnicah).


Če česarkoli ne razumeš, se obrni name!





Friday, 17th April 2020

ENG7: Mock Test – correction

I have already corrected the last exercise in your mock test.

You have to correct the other exercises. They are marked with a yellow highlighter. This means that something is wrong.

Study the mock test with answers carefully and give yourself points.

Send the number of the points you achieve back to me.

Here is the mock test with answers: TJA7-1504MTCHECK

If you have any questions, write to me and feel free to ask me!

Enjoy the weekend!





Wednesday, 15th April 2020

ENG7: Mock Test

Here are yesterday’s answers: TJA7-1404CHECK


You are going to take a mock test today. You can:

-print it,

-open it as a Word document and do it on the computer or

-write the answers in your notebook.


Follow these rules:

  1. Make sure no one disturbs you,
  2. do the exercises alone (don’t use books, parents…),
  3. time yourself (don’t write more than 40 minutes),
  4. send everything to me (by Thursday).

I will correct the last exercise and only mark the exercises that are not entirely correct. (Zadnjo nalogo bom popravila, ostale pa le označila, če niso pravilne. Popravil jih boš sam v petek, ko bom poslala rešitve.)

You will be able to check and correct your work on Friday. Good luck!

Here is the mock test: TJA7-1504MOCKTEST





Tuesday, 14th April 2020

ENG7: Revision

You will have a mock test tomorrow (=preverjanje). That is why we are going to revise Unit 4 today.

Here is the revision. If you do not have a printer, just write the answers in your notebook. TJA7-1404REVISION

If there are any problems, write to me and I will do my best to help you. Enjoy!





Friday, 10th April 2020

Before we start check the work from Wednesday here: TJA7-0804CHECK

ENG7: Easter

Today is Good Friday for those who celebrate Easter. Look at the video below. A boy is going to talk about the history of Easter and about the differences between the usual celebrations of Easter and this year’s celebrations (because of the corona virus). Let’s take a look:

Bacause you spend a lot of time sitting down, doing school work, this song will help you. You’ll have lots of fun!

I found a great video about making an origami bunny. If you want to do it, visit this page:

I wish you all the best and happy holidays.





Wednesday, 8th April 2020

Check your work from yesterday here: TJA7-0704CHECK

ENG7: Countries and Nationalities

A bit more practice about countries and nationalities today. This topic will end Unit 4. I plan to do a revision of Unit 4 before we proceed to a new unit (probably on Tuesday).

Book 112/6a: Do this exercise in your notebook. Write the title EXERCISE, name the thing in the picture and write the country as well. Ask your parents or Google if you have problems. Example: Matryoshkas – Russia

Workbook 116/29 and 31

If you want some brain games, you can do exercise 30 on page 116. It’s not obligatory because it might be confusing for some. Or challenging…

That’s it for today. Now go out and enjoy the sun (alone, of course).





Tuesday, 7th April 2020

Before we begin, check your answers from yesterday here: TJA7-0604CHECK

ENG7: Countries and nationalities

Workbook 113/24: Test your geography knowledge and practice countries and nationalities.

Workbook 114/25: General knowledge (splošno znanje). If you do not know the answer, maybe your parents could help.

Workbook 114/26: Write down the proper language (the word for the nationality is the same as for the language).

How is your geography? Take a countries quiz here and find out!





Monday, 6th April 2020

Check your work from Wednesday here: TJA7-0104CHECK

ENG7: Peppa Pig – International Day

Today you are going to watch a cartoon. Some of you probably think cartoons are for little children, especially Peppa Pig, but the language in this cartoon is British English and it is easy enough for all of you to understand. The cartoon is only 5 minutes long, but you have to watch it at least twice.

Today’s task is: Write the title in your notebook Peppa Pig – International day. Make a chart. The chart should look like this:


Watch the cartoon, write down all the countries that you hear in the cartoon and then write down the nationalities as well.

Here is the cartoon:

If you want, you can play a game of WHO WANTS TO BE A BILLIONAIRE here:





Wednesday, 1st April 2020

ENG7: Countries and Nationalities

Check yesterday’s work here: TJA7-3103Check

Today you will learn about countries and nationalities. You already know some countries and nationalities from the 5th and 6th class.

Before you start, fill in the text below:


Tory and Hugh are from ___________. They are ___________.

Palmira and Tito are from ___________. They are ___________.*

Now look at this video:

Book 110/REMEMBER BOX: Open your notebook and write the title COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES – države in narodnosti. Copy the chart into your notebook.

Book 111/4a: Where are the stamps from? Write the answers in your notebook. Here is an example:

  1. The first stamp is from Ireland.
  2. The second stamp is from Slovenia.

If you want to see another video, click here:

*Tory and Hugh are from Canada. They are Canadian.

Palmira and Tito are from Spain. They are Spanish.





Tuesday, 31st March 2020

Before we start, check your work from yesterday here: TJA7-3003CHECK

ENG7: At the Millenium Dome

Take a look at the Millenium Dome in London, which is also called the O2 Arena:

Now read the text in your book on page 110/1. You can also listen to the dialogue here:

Do you know what the word QUEUE /kju/ means? What does it mean if a place is INTERNATIONAL?

Book 110/2 – copy the sentences into your notebook (under the title AT THE MILLENIUM DOME) and correct them if necessary.

A lot of tourists visit London. Here are 10 things tourists should see when they go to London:

You can also have a look at this video:





Monday, 30th March 2020

ENG7: English expressions

Today you will learn some common English expressions.

Book109/8a: match the beginning and the end of the expressions and copy them in your notebook (under the title ENGLISH EXPRESSIONS).

Then write the Slovene translations (also in your notebook) which are in your book on the same page (109/8b).

Workbook112/23a: match the phrases

Workbook113/23b: read and study




Friday, 27th March 2020

ENG7: Indian Elephant

Before we start, check your work from Tuesday (African elephant): TJA7-2403CHECK

Today you will describe an Indian elephant according to the chart that is in your workbook. This exercise is very similar to that with an African elephant, although here you have the chart but you don’t have the text.

Open your notebook and write the title INDIAN ELEPHANT – indijski slon.

Workbook 121/1: Study the chart. Write a text about an Indian elephant. Use the text about the African elephant (page 117) for help!

When you finish, take a picture of the text and send it to me. You can also write on the computer (but you have to print the text and glue it in your notebook).





OPOZORILO: Pri nalogi z dne 24. 3. sem napisala napačno stran v DZ. Pravilna stran je 117. Za napako se opravičujem.

Tuesday, 24th March 2020

ENG7: African Elephant

Today you are going to read about the biggest land animal, an African elephant.

Workbook 117/1:

Read the text about an African elephant. Underline all the unknown words and translate them in your notebook (the title is African Elephant). Translate the words from the table (chart) as well.

Fill in the table with the information from the text.

Now read the text at least 2 times out loud! This is important because tomorrow we will be doing a similar exercise.

I will upload the correct answers tomorrow. Enjoy!




Ponedeljek, 23. 3. 2020

Prosim vse, ki mi še niste poslali svojega preteklega dela (16. in 20. 3), da to čim prej storite!

TJA7: English-speaking countries – angleško govoreče države

Delovni zvezek 121/2a: Danes se boš učil opisati državo. V delovnem zvezku boš videl primer, kako se državo opiše (pod tabelo je naslov THE USA – FACT FILE). To vzorčno besedilo prouči, nato pa si izberi eno izmed držav v razpredelnici ter jo opiši. Piši v zvezek. Naslov je ime države.

Ko končaš z opisom angleško govoreče države, pa poišči podatke še za Slovenijo in jo na enak način opiši.

Pošlji fotografijo zvezka.





Petek, 20. 3. 2020


To check your homework from Tuesday and Wednesday click on the files below:

Tuesday: TJA7-1703CHECK

Wednesday: TJA7-1803CHECK


Malce lažja oblika današnje naloge se nahaja tukaj (za učence, katerim angleščina predstavlja velik napor): TJA7-2003WORK DSP


Today you will write a composition about your first impressions of this week.

The composition should include the following information:

the situation at home (who are you with, who do you miss the most…)

        -last week (how did you spend last week, what did you do, describe your day, use PAST  SIMPLE)

schoolwork, especially learning English (tell me about the negative things, tell me about the positive things, I need this information to improve my work)

You can write this in your notebook or in the e-mail. I would prefer the e-mail, because I can correct it faster. Otherwise, make a photo of your notebook and send it to me as before (

Enjoy your weekend!






Sreda, 18. 3. 2020


Today you are going to learn something about Great Britain.


What is GB like in comparison to Canada? What do you remember from yesterday (GB versus Canada)? Take your notebook and write down a few sentences. (I know that the buildings are redder because they are made of brick.)


Workbook 118/2a: Go through the quiz and try to answer the questions. Then read the text about GB to find out if your answers were correct. (I hope you did notice and study the map!)

Read the text one more time out loud (maybe to a parent or a sibling). Underline the unknown words and translate them (you can write the translation in the workbook).


Do the quiz (circle the correct answer).

Workbook 119/2b: Write the questions to the answers.


If there are any problems with the text, if perhaps you don’t understand some sentences, contact me and I will explain.



Torek, 17. 3. 2020






Today you will hear about the differences between Canada and Great Britain.


Watch these two videos! (Facts about Canada.) (Sorry, this is a video about the UK. I didn’t find the song about GB itself. By the way – do you still remember the difference between the UK and GB?)



Book 100/1: Read and listen to the text. The recording is here:



Copy the Slovene words below in your notebook and find their English equivalents in the text.

  2. VTISI


Book 101/3: Do the exercise in your notebook. Use all the words.

Example: The coins are heavier in GB. (or: The British coins are heavier than the Canadian coins.)

You will be able to check your answers at the end of the week. Enjoy!




Ponedeljek, 16. 3. 2020


Watch the video about top ten US landmarks here:

Book page 105/1: Read the text about the USA.

Write down and translate all the unknown words from the text. The Pons dictionary might help you  (

Book 105/2: Find the superlative forms in the text and copy the whole sentences in your notebook (example: expensive – The most expensive cities are New York and Los Angeles.)

Book 104/1: Do the quiz and write all the correct sentences in your notebook (example: The USA is the fourth largest coutry in the world).

Take a picture of your notebook when you are done and send it to me (

If you have any problems, contact me on my e-mail!